Neurological Consultations:

Diagnosis and treatment of common neurological diseases: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Strokes, Multiple Sclerosis, Brain Tumors, Peripheral Neuropathies, Myasthenia, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Neck and Back pain, Headaches, Botox for headaches and spasticity.


Pediatric Neurology Consultations:

Diagnosis and treatment of childhood neurology, epilepsy.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Magnetic Resonance of the Brain (MRI)
  • Magnetic Resonance of the spine including Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar regions (MRI)
  • Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Brain and Neck (MRA)
  • Magnetic Resonance Venography of the brain (MRV)
  • Magnetic Resonance (MR) of other body regions

Headache Consultations at the Northwest Headache Clinic

Diagnostic Neurophysiological Studies

  • Electroencephalogram (EEG) (Kirkland)
  • Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography (Kirkland)
  • Interpretation of Evoked Potentials